I could'nt translate new line anymore!
My project is translated . I was export an excel file and import .
There is no error...
But when i change a form and add new form and component in my project, multi-lang is broken...
When i check new line (in source) for translate, it gives this two error for every new line:
An error occured in the Multi-Language Add-In:
Licensed User: adam....
Version: Version 6.03.0012
Function: NewStringID
Line number: 721
Description: Microsoft Jet veritaban? alt yap?s? 'generalids' giri? tablosunu veya sorgusunu bulamad?. Tablo veya sorgunun varoldu?undan ve ad?n do?ru yaz?ld???ndan emin olun.
Additional details:
when click next:
An error occured in the Multi-Language Add-In:
Licensed User: adam....
Version: Version 6.03.0012
Function: ToggleTranslateSource
Line number: 8342
Description: 'GeneralIds' tablosunda ilgili kay?tlar olmas? gerekti?inden kay?t ekleyemez veya de?i?tiremezsiniz.
Additional details:
How can i fix?? I am locked.
Thanks for interest