Multi-Language Add-In for Visual Studio

Multi-Language Add-In for Visual Studio

Static .html files

We have several static .html files in our ASP.NET 3.5 project. Is there a way for the scan to pick up these files so they can be translated using the tool?

No, I'm sorry. The only way would be to convert them to ASP files.

The Add-In handles static HTML text in an ASP file by converting it into an asp:literal tag. Obviously this will only work in an ASP file.

Technically, it would be possible for the Add-In to add some JavaScript code which would download a resource file with AJAX methods and update the text via the DOM. The texts would have to be within DIV or SPAN tags with an ID, so that the JavaScript code could identify them. However, this would be a client side solution. Using ASP would be a server side solution, which I think would be fundamentally better. For this reason, I don't think that I will ever support pure HTML files.

Best regards